Dear SKS Parents,
I enjoyed seeing so many families at the recentSKS Homecoming . Congrats to our Home & School and our CYO boards for leading and organizing a great event. You’ll see some great pictures from this event above. The Home & School has done a great job of communicating to you reminder dates that include the Fall Social (10/23) and a new Trunk or Treat Event (10/29) both upcoming. The Home & School has continued to do a great job of planning events like these to build community. Nothing is more important.
I am grateful to our SKS Community as they have and continue to show love and support for the Gallagher family. I have told many: The strength of our community is ….indeed our community. I learned many years ago the most important thing in sad and difficult times is to just be there for others in their time of need. We will continue to support their family in the days ahead.
Other SKS families have lost loved ones too. Please pray for the Roccio family – Mike & Michelle and children Angelina (7th) Santino (5th) and Kathleen(2nd) and the Johnson Family – Michelle & Kit ( Lee (3rd) and Wes (1st) ) Mike & Moira Sullivan (Mikaela -1st and Jack -5th) These families all lost their grandfather. In the month of the Holy Rosary consider praying the rosary or even just a decade before or after a family dinner for these families and your own as well. The Blessed Mother listens very well.
One positive of the pandemic over these past two years was that it seemed to slow down some families. There seemed to be a return of family dinners and time spent together. A return to normal with many activities previously canceled due to Covid has occurred. While that may be a good thing, jumping back to so many activities all at once may be too much for families. Parents may want to regroup and ask a few important questions:
– Are our priorities in order as a family?
– Are we finding time for our faith within a packed schedule?
– Is our child/family over-programmed with just too many activities?
– Do we need to take a step back and reevaluate all we are doing?
– Are we getting enough rest/sleep as a family?
– Are family dinners/family time lacking ?
-Are we feeling disorganized or missing details due to overscheduling?
Parent Teacher Conferences for grades 1 to 8 will be on November 4 from 5pm to 8 pm and November 5th from 9 am to 3 pm. Information for signs ups will be forthcoming. Kindergarten conferences will be held after the holidays.
Here is the link again for the first SKS Spirit Newsletter in case you misssed it last week.
Take care,