Advancement Team Mission Statement:

To provide the spiritual, educational and financial support necessary to fulfill the school’s mission and ensure its legacy.

SKS Mission Statement:

As a Catholic community, guided by the teachings of Jesus Christ, we dedicate ourselves to the highest standards of spiritual, moral and social responsibility. We are committed to academic excellence through a rigorous learning environment that fosters love, acceptance, and respect for all of God’s people.

Element Objective Point Person
Spiritual Growth To build on our tradition of Catholic Education by providing a strong link between church and
school and nurturing our Catholic Faith
Marie Starck
Family Life Education To provide students, faculty and parents with the best possible resources to support social,
moral and physical development of our children in an ever changing society
Kate Mariniello
Financial Development To identify and seek new financial opportunities to support the educational and technological
needs of our school
Grants Committee

Alumni Organization
David Heacock

Technology Committee
Christina Elisio