Dear SKS Families,
Our sense of community is often felt through the events that help shape our school year. The pictures on this week’s blog show some events that define us:
SKS Community Events
- The Walk with the Principal from last Friday benefitted For Pete’s Sake, a good will organization that helps families going through some difficult times.
- I don’t have any pictures from the Parent Social but it was very nice night – a great venue and a great turnout! I usually take pictures but I was having too much fun and just couldn’t get around to see everybody. Everyone seemed to like the informal and relaxed atmosphere. We raised $30,000 from that tremendous night. WOW!!! Special thanks to Kate Quinn, Noelle Hagan, Christina Fogli and Gina Genesio for chairing the event. Thanks to our gift donors and all who bid on some great items. This a great start for our fundraising and fun–raising
- One of our favorite days is the SKS Book Fair with Grandparents and Special Friends Day held this past Wednesday – what a turnout! It a blessing when we have parents volunteer, help, and support our school. We are twice blessed to have so many SKS Grandparents and Special Friends join us to be with their grandchildren and be a part of our school day. It’s encouraging that reading books is still a huge part of this school’s journey to academic success. There’s nothing like the enjoyment of a good book!
Teachers’ Professional Development
In early November, six SKS teachers will be trained by the Uncommon Individual Foundation and the BSD Design and Code Academy. The six teachers (Chrissy O’Sullivan, Anne Bondi, Jayda Orsatti, Michael Gavin, Bill DiClemente, and Christina Elisio) will be guided with their students on a project-based design from within each teacher’s curriculum that will involve a design with the 3-D printers and Coding. We are excited to have this implemented. After these teachers are trained, another group will follow.
Social Emotional Learning
The October issue of Educational Leadership magazine is devoted entirely to the idea of social-emotional learning. In the mid 1990’s, the notion of emotional intelligence (EQ – Emotional Quotient) was promoted in a book by Daniel Goleman.
For students, their EQ plays a large part in their ability to succeed, and I am a firm believer that a person’s EQ plays a very important role in the success of every person later on in life. Do you?
Here is one of the articles from Educational Leadership. The article is an interview with Angela Duckworth, the University of Pennsylvania professor who is recognized as the nation’s foremost authority on “grit and resilience.” I encourage you to find a few minutes to read it and I hope you find it helpful for your child. How do you see the “three families of character strengths” play a part in the success of your child? First ten answers get a Golden Ticket and a Dress Down Pass!!
Grit and the Greater Good: A Conversation with Angela Duckworth …
Take care,