Home and School

October 15th

Hello Saint Katharine's Friends!  Happy first week of Winter Uniform! If your kids are anything like the Buckley kiddos you had a few moments of panic Sunday night when realizing nothing fit anymore. I feel like walking around school with your pants about two inches too short is a good character building activity though and that is exactly what Jack and Finn Buckley are doing this week while we wait for the Flynn & O'Hara shipment to arrive. There are still some good deals to be had in the Uniform [...]

By |2019-10-15T12:56:09-04:00October 15th, 2019|Home and School|

Thank You and Upcoming Events – 9/30/2019

I hope those of you who were able to attend the Fall Social on Friday night has as much fun as I did. Thank you Noelle Hagan, Christina Fogli and Gina Genesio for all you did to make the event such a HUGE success. Through their efforts, and with the generosity of our wonderful families, we were able to raise over $35,000!! The Teacher Wish List is still open and will remain open until Thursday. Click here to browse some of the over 40 items that are still available.    Reminder of [...]

By |2019-10-08T10:29:32-04:00October 8th, 2019|Home and School|
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