Dear SKS Families,

In the midst of the pandemic over the last two years our school has been working on preparing for renewing our Middle States Accreditation. This is the third Middle States process we as a school have undertaken since I have been here.  Our faculty and staff, headed by Mrs. Adria Crowley and Mr. David Heacock as chairpersons, along with our steering committee composed of teachers, parents, Msgr. Brouwers and myself, have been engaged in this process of self study for the last year and a half. 

As it states on its website, The Middle States Commission is to provide a standard of education for all its constituents. It states:   

An institution of  education is a community dedicated to students, to the pursuit and dissemination of knowledge, to the study and clarification of values, and to the advancement of the society it serves. The Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE), through accreditation, mandates that its member institutions meet rigorous and comprehensive standards, which are addressed in the context of the mission of each institution and within the culture of ethical practices and institutional integrity expected of accredited institutions. In meeting the quality standards of MSCHE accreditation, institutions earn accredited status, and this permits them to state with confidence: “Our students are well-served; society is well-served.”

The Middle States process is such that each school spends time in a comprehensive self study to determine that the school is living its mission. Reaccreditation is a multi-step process where every aspect of the school is self evaluated: mission, philosophy, governance/leadership, finance, facilities, health and safety, academics, and  student services are all examined.  The self study is put together, reviewed and approved by the school’s Steering Committee. One integral part of the school self assessment are action plans that the school will set in place as goals for the future. Since we are a Catholic school, one goal is always religion/faith based. Other goals going forward for us will be science, STEM and technology related. 

In early April, we will be visited by an outside educator as chairperson and two other educators who will be visiting our school, who will review our self study, meet with our students and teachers/staff along with Msgr. Brouwers and myself. Their primary job is not to evaluate our school, but our self study, and review whether we as a school are living our mission. 

After their visit the Middle States Visiting Team will make a preliminary report of their findings and then later prepare a much more detailed report. Next fall, we would hope to receive our reaccreditation for the next five years. 

Our school has worked hard and in earnest to prepare for this self study. We remain steadfast in our commitment to our school’s mission. The first part of the middle states process is to review the school’s mission statement. This is our school revised mission as a result of that process:

St. Katharine of Siena Mission Statement 

(revised 2022)

“Guided by the teachings of Jesus Christ, St. Katharine of Siena School is a vital part of the St. Katharine of Siena parish community educating students in kindergarten through 8th grade.  We are committed to spiritual formation and academic excellence through an engaging and nurturing learning environment that seeks to develop the whole child, integrating our Catholic faith and values of compassion, service and respect for all God’s people while developing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.”

With faith and confidence,  we feel prepared and committed to chart a  course with our new Middle States plan in the years ahead. Wish us luck and say a few Hail Marys for us while you are at it.


Thank you for your continued support of St. Katharine of Siena School. 


Take care,
