Dear SKS Parents,
The Principal Blog is back after taking a sabbatical in January as it has been a busy stretch.
The next school mass is scheduled for Ash Wednesday, March 2 with our 3rd and 4th grades.
This week parents and our teachers were in attendance in church while many others joined us virtually for Sr. Pat Mc Cormack’s presentation on Parenting for Success. Special thanks to Jessie Bryan who coordinated the whole event. Sr. Pat’s talk was very well received.
If you missed the talk, it can be found here:
If you don’t have time, here is a quick synopsis with key takeaways from Sr. Pat’s talk:
Which of these resonates with you? Send it back to me and earn a golden ticket!
- Your children need five things that you can help them to be successful: Security, Initiative, Autonomy, Industry, and Affection.
- Set limits and boundaries for your child and have high but reasonable expectations.
- Successful schools have a united front where parents and teachers work together for the good of each child.
- Value effort more than results.
- Say what you mean; and mean what you say. No has to mean No. Some children haven’t heard enough of this word.
- You are not here to be your child’s best friend. You are here to be their parent.
- Don’t do anything for your child that they can do for themselves.
- Trust your instincts. Try not to second guess yourself.
- There is a difference between feelings and behavior. It’s okay to have negative feelings such as anger, but that doesn’t excuse poor behavior as a result.
- Promote intrinsic self control of your child. They need to learn how to regulate themselves.
- In themes of conflict and disagreement, remember you are the adult and you are in charge. Avoid shouting matches. Stay calm and use the word “NEVERTHELESS.”
For example: “I understand you want to stay home and play on your computer, NEVERTHELESS, we are going to see your grandparents and spend time with them, as family is more important.”
- Teaching time management skills to your child is a life skill. Start early on this. If your child is overwhelmed with a school project, break it up over time and CHUNK it into smaller parts .
- Overscheduling versus a Balanced Schedule. Too many children’s schedules are overloaded. They need time for God and prayer, school and homework, family, friends, activities, rest, sleep. Is your child over scheduled?
- “Good, better, best. I will not rest, until my good is better, and my better becomes my best.”
- Use natural consequences for both good and poor behavior:
Example: Because you cleaned up your room, we now have time to get ice cream.
or: Because you were disrespectful to mom and dad last night, you will not be able to have your friends over today. - Use appropriate consequences for appropriate actions
Petition against Store Opening
You most likely have heard of the attempt to open a CBDKratom Shop in the old Starbucks nearby on Lancaster Avenue. Concerned parents in Radnor started this petition to get the CBDKratom store shut down. I am sharing this petition below:
As we approach President’s Day weekend and a welcome respite, I hope your families are safe and well. It’s hard to believe we are approaching the end of February. Please continue to pray for the SKS Community, especially those who have experienced loss and are in need of support.
Take care,