Dear SKS families,
A Season of Thanks
Thank you! I say this with a most sincere heart. On the eve of the Thanksgiving holiday our SKS school community has much to be grateful for. Thanks to efforts of the entire school community we have worked together to stay healthy, and in my eyes, exceeded our expectations to keep our community healthy and safe. We have stayed “in” school and that has been no small accomplishment.
At a time when the world, our country, and many individuals struggle and suffer in many ways during this pandemic, we are fortunate that we have our health and each other. The early settlers and Native Americans got this holiday right, it is a time to reflect and express gratitude for our many blessings. We do so with a humble and grateful heart. I wish you and your families continued health, joy, and peace. Enjoy this special season of gratitude with your loved ones.
I took the following from an email post from the editor of the Main Line newsletter:
“No longer forward nor behind, I look in hope or fear;
But grateful, take the good I find, the best of now and here.”
As you can see in the photos above, the Ries family thanked our faculty and staff in their front yard with our latest lawn sign compliments of our Home and School board. You can drive all over Wayne and our neighboring towns and see the signs everywhere displayed by proud SKS families! Other photos show our students showing their civic pride, especially on the Wayne Veteran’s Day remembrance with our SKS band playing the national anthem and 8th grader Luca DeMarco reciting the pledge of allegiance. The Kindergarten learned about elections by voting for their favorite Letter Person! A special moment for our school was the Blue Ribbon School of Excellence Award ceremony. Also, a special thank you goes to First Resource Bank in Wayne, PA for their $7,500 donation to SKS through the EITC program.
Christmas Shopping: Visit SKS Spirit Wear store
Our new online SKS Spirit Wear school store through Squad Locker has phenomenal SKS gear for people of all ages. It’s quality merchandise and the school gets 10 % of all sales. Stock up now!
Upcoming Home and School Events
Despite the curveball the pandemic throws at us, our ambitious and creative Home and School Board continues to find ways to engage our community and keep us together. I am so grateful and proud of what our Home and School Board has done to bring the spirit of togetherness to our school community.
Santa’s Visits to SKS homes are scheduled for 12/1, 12/2 and 12/3. Santa’s schedule is already full, I hope everyone enjoys the visit. Oh what fun!!
SKS’s first Live Nativity will be on Sunday December 6th from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. This is a Drive Through event and is a going to be a very special one. For more information read the flyer here.
A Gingerbread House making event will be held post-Thanksgiving as well. Details will be forthcoming
Stay tuned after the holidays and into the New Year for upcoming information on the virtual SKS Family Rosary
Tuition Assistance from BLOCS
For any family who is experiencing financial difficulty and needs help this year for paying tuition, there are ways in which we can assist you through the Educational Income Tax Credit program (EITC). This provides tuition assistance to anyone that applies, shows need, and qualifies. Also if there was a sudden loss in income due to the pandemic or your work situation there is emergency funding as well. Please contact Mr. Tosti at school to discuss your situation in complete confidence. This year we assisted two dozen students from 20 families with tuition assistance in this way, giving out over $120,000 in tuition assistance.
You can call or email me at school: 610-688-5451 or
Calendar Reminder for SKS families
Tuesday 11/24 – last day of school for Thanksgiving break
Wednesday 12/2 – Return to IN SCHOOL
Friday 12/4 – 1st Trimester ends
Sunday 12/6 – Live Nativity Drive thru @ SKS
Monday 12/7 – NO SCHOOL Archbishop’s holiday
Tuesday 12/8 – NO SCHOOL HOLYDAY Immaculate Conception
Mon 12/14, Tues 12/15 – Report Cards given to grades K-8
Friday 12/18 – Teacher in service day – asynchronous activity no virtual
Tuesday 12/22 – Last day of school before Christmas break
Monday 1/4 – return to school in New Year
Take care,