Hello Saint Katharine’s Friends!
Happy first week of Winter Uniform! If your kids are anything like the Buckley kiddos you had a few moments of panic Sunday night when realizing nothing fit anymore. I feel like walking around school with your pants about two inches too short is a good character building activity though and that is exactly what Jack and Finn Buckley are doing this week while we wait for the Flynn & O’Hara shipment to arrive. There are still some good deals to be had in the Uniform Closet too. Be sure to check it out!
The Annual Walk with the Principal is scheduled for this Friday, October 18. At 8:30am grades K-4 will meet in the Cafeteria and will hear from our friends at Minding Your Mind. Grades 5-8 will meet in the gym and will hear from Speak Up. The entire school community will come together at 9am to walk with Mr. Tosti through the neighborhood. We are still in need of parent volunteers for this event. Please consider giving your time to spend a fun morning with our school community. Click here to volunteer.
The Batty Bash is scheduled for this Saturday, October 19 from 6pm-8pm. I believe this is a different date then was originally communicated. Save your special costumes for the actual Halloween and plan to wear Halloween colors instead! No costumes are allowed this year. Cost is $20. Our teachers work really hard to provide a fun night for our K-4th graders so please remind your kids to be the sweet little ghosts and goblins we know they can be.
Looking for some family fun and healthy activity this weekend? Dan’s Down Dog and Dash Yoga and 5K Run is being held at SKS this Saturday, October 19. This is always a special day for our SKS community as this event honors the life of Dan Schultz, Father of Maddie (SKS Grad), Avery, Sadie and Quinn (current SKS 8th graders). You can still register to run as late as the morning of the race. Registration begins at 7am.
Have you linked your Amazon Smile account yet to Saint Katharine of Siena School? It is so easy and a great way to benefit our school while you shop Amazon Prime.
The always amazing Anne Condello has added a Home and School tab to the Parent Page on the Homepage. Be sure to check it out!
Many thanks to all who participated in the Golf Outing last week to benefit our Tuition Assistance Program. Over $2000 dollars was raised for TAP. This event wouldn’t be possible without the work of Chet Walsh, our own resident golf pro. Thank you Chet!
If you have any photos of our SKS kids in action that we could feature in our Spirit Newsletter or SKS Instagram account please share with Jason Griesser. Jason is the awesome parent volunteer who helps produce the school newsletter.
Don’t forget to order your November lunches!