Dear SKS Families,

A sincere welcome back to our SKS Families after a wonderful summer. A special welcome to our new families here at SKS for their first year. We are happy to welcome you into this wonderful school community.

Welcome to my first blog of the school year. I post the blog usually twice a month depending on the school schedule. The Principal Blog is another way of keeping you in the loop about goings on here at SKS. Past blogs can be found on the school website. At times, I will send articles and/ or express ideas about things we can do as partners to help your child.  Finally, I usually include pictures that the teachers, school photographer J.P. Boles (thanks J.P.), or I have taken during the school day.  Many times the pictures tell the real story of who we are and what we do here on a daily basis.  I am so proud of our parish school community.  Thank you for the faith and trust you have in sending your child to SKS.

There’s nothing to match the excitement of the first few days of school. I love seeing the students dropped off and the teachers and me greeting the kids these first days of school. There is simply no place I‘d rather be! The warm, bright smiles, the physical growth of our students, the sincere happiness of seeing their friends and the teachers bring a smile to my face. There is great joy here. Your children are loved here.

Please know on behalf of Msgr. Brouwers, the teachers, staff, and myself that we cherish our role in partnering with you in the caring education of your child. The development of the whole child as stated below our mission statement is at the heart of what we do.  The teachers and I look forward to partnering with you in the days ahead to let every student’s light shine this school year.

                                                                    St. Katharine of Siena School Mission Statement

Guided by the teachings of Jesus Christ, St. Katharine of Siena School is a Catholic community educating students in Kindergarten through eighth grade. We are committed to academic excellence through a rigorous learning environment that seeks to develop the whole child, integrating Catholic values of service and respect for all of God’s people.

The first Back to School Night is TONIGHT at 6:30 pm for parents with children in grades Kg – 1. These nights are so important for you to begin forging a partnership with your child’s teacher.  We kick off the night in the cafeteria with a greeting by Msgr. Brouwers,
SKS Home & School Board, SKS Board of Limited Jurisdiction, and myself, then you’ll move to your child’s classroom.

BTSN for grades 2-4 is next Tuesday and Grades 5-8 is next Thursday. Both nights begin in the cafeteria at 7 pm.  I look forward to seeing everyone.

J.P. Boles has captured a few great moments for the start of the school year – enjoy the pictures, and if you have a great picture that is website worthy please send it our way.

Many blessings on our the SKS Community this school year.

Take care,
