Dear SKS Families,
The latest blog pictures include:
Radnor Police and K-9 visit with the 2nd and 3rd grades
Principals for the Day
4th Grade Wax Museum
First Grade Buddy Basketball Teams
School Mass
Reading Circle
Safe 2 Say Something Presentation for 6th-8th grades
CYO Basketball
Our most recent Golden Ticket Winners (yep, teachers are eligible, too!)
S2SS Presentation to 6th, 7th and 8th Grade
On Friday, February 22nd, Justin Cruz, a trained facilitator from The Sandy Hook Promise Foundation, presented the Safe 2 Say Something (S2SS) program to our middle school students. My quick survey afterward with students told me that his message was well-received. This is tough stuff for your children to deal with, but it is the reality of the world they are growing up in.
Here is what your child should know to keep themselves and our school safe:
- Most schools are generally safe havens for students, but no school is immune to the dangers of someone with ill intent.
- In almost every case of school violence, someone knew something beforehand that was not reported. It simply was not taken seriously, people assumed others would take action, or were afraid to take action.
- A reported one million students are harassed, threatened, or subject to cyberbullying. Make sure whatever your child posts in haste or anger can never be taken as a threat to someone else. Saying they didn’t mean it or were only kidding will not be an acceptable excuse. They can and will be held accountable for anything they say or post online.
- Historically, 37% of all threats are sent electronically, 28% use social media. Social media, texts, emails, Snapchat, Instagram,etc. are the primary source of all signs, signals and threats. In addition, 70% of those who inflict self-harm tell someone about it first.
- Violent actions are usually planned months in advance and there are usually warning signs
- There is an SKS S2SS team of faculty and staff for any students to report any issue at any time: They are: Anne Bondi, Anne Condello, Bill DiClemente , Katie Jones , Jayda Orsatti, Katie Tosti, and myself. Students are encouraged to have “go to” adults, both at school and outside of school, that they can reach at any time to help them with a concern. The “go to” adult can be any person and not limited to a member of the SKS S2SS Team.
- Here are the three most important things students and adults need to know and do:
- Look for warning signs, signals, and threats of violence and self-harm.
- Take it seriously; act immediately.
- Say something.
Upcoming Events
I am pumped, as are many faculty /staff members, for the February 28th Spa and Beauty Bingo at 7 pm in the Parish Center. Hope to see you there.
The Home and School Speaker Series continues on Tuesday, March 5th at 7 pm in the cafeteria. Our guest speaker is Beth Bruton, from Holcomb Behavioral Systems on the topic of vaping. What do you know and need to know about vaping? Every parent needs to know about this topic so you can help your child understand the inherent dangers of this new addiction. This is not just for parents of teenagers but for parents of all ages to get the facts for down the road.
Trivia Night is March 9th in the Parish Center. Get ready to use your knowledge for the fierce competition!
The Sweetheart Dance for grades 1-5 is on March 23rd, tickets are on sale now on the Payment Portal.
As people get out more at the end of winter and spring months ahead I ask you to be considerate and kind by not blocking driveways of our neighbors on Midland Avenue. Please do not to use their driveways for turning around purposes. Both our neighbors and I would appreciate your consideration.
Financial Assistance
It’s time to apply for next year’s aid through our financial assistance resources. I encourage families to apply for tuition assistance, it’s an easy online application process, make sure you have your 2018 tax return handy when submitting your information. Last year we gave out close to $100,000 in tuition assistance for families who qualified. Money is awarded on a first come, first served basis to those who apply. Click here for the link to the site.