Dear SKS Families,
Over the last few months you may have seen a barrage of media advertising in newspapers, social media, and television on juuling. Millions of dollars are being spent on advertising it and millions of students from middle school to high school are juuling. I find it amazing that these companies promote it as a way to quit smoking. It is habit forming and contains nicotine. I have heard from our own 8th grade students who, on their visits to prospective high schools, have been offered the chance to juul while they were touring with host students.
What do you know about juuling? I’m no expert but I do know it is addictive, and it is very easy for teenagers to conceal, both at home and at school. Please review this short informative video from teenagers. As your child approaches adolescence, it might be a good idea to have an open discussion with your child about this topic.
We are currently looking for a speaker on juuling for our Home and School meeting on March 5th. The speaker would also talk to our middle school students.
SKS Service: More than Dress Down Days
The importance of doing for others is a continuous theme at SKS. We build service opportunities into our curriculum. Our teachers, and youth ministry leader Steph Twohig, are always looking for ways to do this. We are proud of the service work we do. Service at SKS is not just Dress Down Days. We do raise funds for needy organizations by this, but actual service learning is more than that. Service is good deeds in action. Jesus was the ultimate model of being a servant leader. At SKS, we realize the importance of teaching and modeling the need to serve others as a part of educating the whole child. We would welcome any parent or alumni to join us for our annual MLK Day of service on Monday, January 21, at 10 am in the cafeteria, as we serve those who can use our help. It’s a wonderful morning for us as a school.
This week’s Ryan Cases for Smiles service project organized by the 7th grade raised an incredible amount of money (over $2,000) for a wonderful cause.
Best regards,